Sunday, May 22, 2011


2011 RSVP Awards Luncheon

Saturday, May 07, 2011


2011 Bowie Baysox Game

After the hard work of Senior Law Day(see below), members of the Aging Advisory Committee joined other seniors and disabled neighbors to begin Older Americans Month by enjoying a ball game at the Bowie Baysox stadium on May 4, 2011.  We enjoyed a delicious buffet lunch and won great prizes playing BINGO.  There was even a fly ball that landed in our stands and was retrieved! Mark your calendar for next year.


2011 Senior Law Day

April 29, 2011 was Senior Law Day in Prince George's County once again we partnered with the Elder Law Section of the Maryland State Bar Association, the Maryland Volunteer Lawyer's Service, the Prince George's County Department of Family Services and the Prince George's County Area Agency on Aging .  We had 118 seniors signed up at seven (7) Senior Centers throughout the county from Camp Springs to Greenbelt.  Each site was staffed by volunteers from the Prince George's County Aging Advisory Committee, the volunteers greeted the participants, provided them with "goodie" bags and paperwork to complete prior to meeting with a volunteer attorney.  Volunteer attorneys met with each participant and helped them to prepare an Advance Medical Directive for healthcare decision-making.  We would like to thank our community sponsors:  AARP of Maryland, Community Crisis Services, Inc, Maryland Crime Victims Resource Center, the Maryland Legal Aid Bureau

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